Rush Limbaugh debuts new comedy show on Fox!

We’ve spent so much time on music lately, some people probably don’t realize that we discuss politics too.  Rush Limbaugh gave a speech at CPAC over the weekend.  CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) is an organization that brings together the greatest (sic) minds of the Republican Party.  If you go to their website, you’ll see that they’re currently promoting the great conservative, intellectual author: Ted Nugent.  We were going to print the transcript of Limbaugh’s speech and give our own snarky commentary.  After reading through the text of his speech, we quickly realized there was nothing that we could add that would be funnier than the actual speech.  We usually take Sunday’s off, but here’s a link to the transcript that you need to read so that you understand what the Republican party is planning.  Afterwards, prompty go to Home Depot and buy duct tape and plastic for your windows.

We’ve intentionally provided the link from the Fox News website.  Linking will cause our website address to appear in the comments section on Fox News.  We’re crossing our fingers and hoping some conservatives will make their way over here.  Perhaps they’ll read through the website and we can help reverse the “dumbing” trend that they’re experiencing.

~ by toddc2001 on March 1, 2009.

One Response to “Rush Limbaugh debuts new comedy show on Fox!”

  1. Red Meat Republicans can bring it just like the Looney Left, but only the Red Meaters get paid to bring it on Fox. Talk about “Fair and Unbalanced” that’s Rush Limbaugh. He is making some “Fair” criticism of the Obama Administration in general and he has his right to his own opinion, but “Screaming like Chicken Little for Ratings” is not news. This makes the argument even stronger for “Equal Time.” How can anyone in America get the same opportunity that Rush just had to make millions from throwing red meat to the lions, liars, and Bigots…Oh My?

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